If you wish to have your gas payments automatically drafted from your bank each month, you will need to complete the Auto-Draft form and attach a copy of a voided check. You can do this one of two ways:
Downloaded forms may be mailed to us at:
We will send a separate delinquent notice! If we do not receive your payment by the 15th you will be charged a late fee of 10% of your past due bill. Disconnects are scheduled for around the 25th of the month. Due to holidays, weekends, etc., we may
change the disconnect date to the next working business day. Failure to receive your bill for any reason does not excuse you from payment! Service Charge on Returned Funds will be $35.00 (NSF FEES).
Accounts placed on disconnect must pay utility bill in full, and are subject to the following charges:
• 10% of the Past due bill
• $35.00 Administration Fee
• $75.00 Reconnect Service Charge
• To have services reconnected the same day, you must call the office before 2 pm. Anything after 2 pm will be reconnected the next business day. After hours reconnects must pay an additional $125.00 After hours fee.
Extensions are granted as a courtesy to Livingston GUD #1/O&M Customers who may be experiencing a financial hardship. Please call us prior to service disconnection to request an extension.
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you -- if we can do anything to help in the future give us a call!!
O&M Management Services, LLC.
Livingston Parish Gas GUD#1