1. Gas Meters MUST be easily accessible at ALL TIMES!
2. Reasons for Gas Meters to be accessible:
Meters that have been reported as inaccessible by O & M Management Services personnel will be addressed in the following manor:
If a bush or shrub is blocking the Gas Meter we will attempt to trim the bush/shrub if possible. If the bush / shrub is more than a simple trim will take care of we will then send a notice via certified mail.
If there is debris blocking meter a note may be left on the customer’s door advising them to “Please remove the debris”.
In the case of an aggressive dog, we will attempt to contact the customer by phone and make them aware that there is a problem with their dog. A follow up letter will be mailed out to the customer making them aware of our policies regarding aggressive dogs.
AGGRESSIVE DOGS: WILL NOT BE TOLERATED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!Our technicians carry dog mace in the trucks and will use it on aggressive dogs!
Fenced in meter/valves must be accessible to us ALWAYS, if we cannot get to a meter/valve due to a locked fence/gate, broken latch, etc., contact with the customer will be made whether through phone, mail, or email, to address the situation.
After contacting the customer about any of the above issues regarding meters/valves being accessible, and upon returning to find nothing has been addressed by the customer, O & M Management Services will then send a Certified letter to the address notifying the customer that they have 30 days to contact Livingston Parish GUD #1 / O & M Management Services with their plan of action. If at the end of the 30 days, the customer does not respond or comply with the notification we will then have no choice but to discontinue Gas Services until a solution/agreement has been reached.
VALVE SIGNS: DO NOT REMOVE VALVE SIGNS! Valve signs are placed so that in an EMERGENCIES they can be easily & quickly located!
Please note that our objective is to keep both our customer’s and our employee’s safe! We want to continue to provide our services to you our customer’s! We are willing to work with you to provide this service, we also need you to work with us to ensure our servicemen and servicewomen can do their jobs in a safe environment. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the office Monday – Thursday 9 AM to 4 PM: 225-667-8273 or email: oandmmllc@gmail.com